Claire Gougat-Barbera

Lab technician

Email:claire.barbera (at)

Phone:+33 4 67 14 40 62

Fax:+33 4 67 14 36 22


After my degrees in neurobiology and immunology, I worked for 11 years in an INSERM laboratory investigating immunopathology related inflammation focusing on the glucocorticoid receptor. I joined the ISEM in September 2007.

I am involved in various experimental evolution projects withMichael HochbergandOliver Kaltz. I work on projects investigating bacterial adaptation to abiotic stress (salinity and nutrient concentration) and host-parasite coevolution (using Pseudomonas flourescens SBW25-lytic bacteriophage Phi2 and Paramecium caudatum – Holospora undulata model systems).