Pierre Gaüzère

Ph.D. student at the University of Montpellier [2013 – 2016]

Supervised byVincent Devictor

Personal webpage:www.pierregauzere.com

The loss of biodiversity caused by global changes is a major concern from political, scientific and societal perspectives. In particular, Western Europe has been heavily affected by disturbances such as urbanisation, agricultural intensification and climate changes. The speed and intensity of these recent changes call for developing integrative approaches to measure, understand, and predict the responses of biodiversity under different scenarios of climate change and human activities.

My Ph.D. project aims at better understanding the impact of global changes (the combination of climate change and human activities) on biodiversity, and focuses more specifically on the mechanisms of response and adaptation induced by global change on birds. I generally use large-scale and long term biodiversity survey data coupled with climatic and land-use datasets to develop specific research on the mechanisms of species and community responses aspects of biodiversity.

I specifically address the following issues :

– What is the temporal and spatial responsiveness of community reshuffling induced by climate variations ?

– How climate-induced changes in community composition affect ecological and functional characteristics of these communities ?

– Can protected areas mitigate climate change impacts on species and communities?

– How and why are community dynamics affected by the joint effects of global warming and land use change ?

– Why are some species more likely to be affected or adapt to each of these large-scale environmental changes ?

Publications[up to graduation]

Gaüzère P., Jiguet F.,Devictor V.2016. Can protected areas mitigate the impacts of climate change on bird’s species and communities? Diversity and Distribution, early view | pdf

Catherine M. Tayleur,Vincent DevictorPierre Gaüzère, Niclas Jonzén, Henrik G. Smith, Ake Lindström. 2015. Regional variation in climate change winners and losers highlights the rapid loss of cold-dwelling species. Diversity and Distribution,early view| pdf

Charbonnier Y., Gaüzère P., Van Halder I., Nezan J., Barnagaud JY, Jactel H., Barbaro L.. 2015. Deciduous trees increase bat diversity at stand and landscape scales in mosaic pine plantation. Landscape Ecology | pdf

Gaüzère P., Jiguet F.,Devictor V.2015. Rapid adjustment of bird community compositions to local climatic variations and its functional consequences. Global Change Biology. 21,9 : 3367–3378. | pdf

Godet L.,Gaüzère P., Jiguet F.,Devictor V.2015. Dissociating several forms of commonness in birds sheds new light on biotic homogenization. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24: 416–426 | pdf