Team publications

Kéfi, S., C. Saade, E. L. Berlow, J. S. Cabral, E. A. Fronhofer. 2022. Scaling up our understanding of tipping points. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B. 377: 1857.

Rigal S,Devictor V,Gaüzère P,Kéfi S, Forsman JT, Kajanus MH, Mönkkönen M,Dakos V. 2022. Biotic homogenisation in bird communities leads to large-scale changes in species associations.Oikos00:1–14.doi:10.1111/oik.08756

Dakos V, and Kéfi S. 2022. Ecological Resilience: What to Measure and How.Environmental Research Letters17:

C Saade,S Kéfi,C Gougat-Barbera, B Rosenbaum, EA Fronhofer. 2022. Spatial autocorrelation of local patch extinctions drives recovery dynamics in metacommunities.Proceedings of the Royal Society B289(1972), 20220543.

A Vasques, M Baudena, VR Vallejo,S Kéfi, S Bautista, VM Santana, MJ Baeza, P. Maia, J.J. Keizer, M. Rietkerk.  2022. Post-fire Regeneration Traits of Understorey Shrub Species Modulate Successional Responses to High Severity Fire in Mediterranean Pine Forests.Ecosystems, 1-15.

M Lurgi, N Galiana, BR Broitman,S Kéfi, EA Wieters, SA Navarrete. 2021. Geographical variation of multiplex ecological networks in marine intertidal communities.Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America102 (1), 1-7.

F Houngnandan,S Kefi, T Bockel,J Deter. 2021. The joint influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the invasion of two alien caulerpae in northwestern Mediterranean.Biological Invasions24,449–462.

Laitinen V,Dakos V, Lahti L. 2021. Probabilistic early warning signals.Ecology and Evolution1–14.doi:10.1002/ece3.8123

Chaparro Pedraza PC, Matthews B, de Meester L,  Dakos V.2021. Adaptive Evolution Can Both Prevent Ecosystem Collapse and Delay Ecosystem Recovery.The American Naturalist198:E185–E197.doi:10.1086/716929

Battiston, F., E. Amico, A. Barrat, G. Bianconi, G. Ferraz de Arruda, B. Franceschiello, I. Iacopini,S. Kéfi, V. Latora, Y. Moreno, M. M. Murray, T. P. Peixoto, F. Vaccarino, G. Petri. 2021. Higher-order interactions in complex networks: an opportunity for new physics.Nature Physics.17:1093.

Gozzi C,Dakos V, Buccianti A, Vaselli O. 2021. Are geochemical regime shifts identifiable in river waters? Exploring the compositional dynamics of the Tiber River (Italy).Sci Total Environ. 785: 147268.doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147268

Mesman JP, Stelzer JAA,Dakos V, Goyette S, Jones ID, Kasparian J, Ibelings B. 2021. The role of internal feedbacks in shifting deep lake mixing regimes under a warming climate.Freshwater Biology,1–15.doi:10.1111/fwb.13704

Lürig MD, Best RJ,Dakos V, Matthews B. 2021. Submerged macrophytes affect the temporal variability of aquatic ecosystems.Freshwater Biology, 421–435.doi:10.1111/fwb.13648

Lehikoinen, A. Lindström, Å. Santangeli, A. Sirkiä, P. M. Brotons, L.Devictor , V.Elts, J. Foppen, R. P. B. et al. 2021. Wintering bird communities are tracking climate change faster than breeding communities.Journal of Animal Ecology1085‑1095.

Loiseau, N. Thuiller, W. Stuart-Smith, R. D.Devictor, V.Edgar, G. J. Velez, L. Cinner, J. E. Graham, N. A. J. Renaud, J. Hoey, A. S. Manel, S. & Mouillot, D. 2021. Maximizing regional biodiversity requires a mosaic of protection levels.PLoS Biology19(5):e3001195

Gaüzère, P.,Devictor, V.2021. Mismatches between birds’ spatial and temporal dynamics reflect their delayed response to global changes.Oikos30(8): 1284-1296.

Maas, B. Pakeman, R. J. Godet, L. Smith, L.Devictor , V.& Primack, R. 2021. Women and Global South strikingly underrepresented among top-publishing ecologists. 2021.Conservation Letters14(4): e12797.

Gaget, E.Devictor, V.Frochot, B. Desbrosses, R. Eybert, M-C & Faivre, B. 2021. Disentangling the latitudinal and altitudinal shifts in community composition induced by climate change: The case of riparian birds.Journal of Biogeography48, 526-536.

Génin, A., T. Dutoit, A. Danet, A. le Priol,S. Kéfi. 2021. Grazing and the vanishing complexity of plant association networks in grasslands.Oikos.130(4): 541-552. post on this paper

Danet, A., F.D. Schneider, F. Anthelme,S. Kéfi. 2021. Indirect facilitation drives species composition and stability in drylands.Theoretical Ecology. 14:189-203.

Thompson, P.L.,S. Kéfi, Y.R. Zelnik, L.E. Dee, S. Wang, C. de Mazancourt, M. Loreau, A. Gonzalez. 2021. Scaling up biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships: the role of environmental heterogeneity in space and time.Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 288(1946).

Maestre, F., B. Benito, M. Berdugo, L. Concostrina-Zubiri, M. Delgado-Baquerizo, D. Eldridge, E. Guirado, N. Gross,S. Kéfi, Y. Le Bagousse-Pinguet,  R. Ochoa Hueso, S. Soliveres. 2021. Biogeography of global drylands.New Phytologist.231(2): 540-558.doi:10.1111/nph.17395

Dakos V(2020). Nature’s dynamical complexity.Nature Ecology & Evolution,4: 12–13.doi:10.1038/s41559-019-1077-x

Danet, A.,F.D. Schneider, F. Anthelme,S. Kéfi.
Indirect facilitation drives species composition and stability in drylands.
Theoretical Ecology.

Génin, A., S. Lee, E.L. Berlow, S. Ostoja,S. Kéfi.
Mapping hotspots of potential ecosystem fragility using commonly available spatial data.
Biological Conservation. 241: 108388.

Rigal S,Devictor V,Dakos V (2020). A method for classifying and comparing non-linear trajectories of ecological variables.Ecological Indicators, 112: 106113.doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106113

Gaüzère, P. Barbaro, L. Catayud, F. Princé, K.Devictor, V. Raison, L. Sirami, C. & Balent, G. (2020) Long-term effects of combined land-use and climate changes on local bird communities in mosaic agricultural landscapes.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.In press[PDF]

Houngnandan, F.,S. Kéfi, J. Deter.
Identifying key-conservation areas for Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds.
Biological Conservation. 246: 108546.

Kéfi, S.
Ecological Networks: from structure to dynamics.
Chapter 10 in: Theoretical ecology: Concepts and applications. Oxford University Press.

Drake, J.M., S.M. O’Regan,V. DakosS. Kéfi, P. Rohani.
Alternative stable states, tipping points, and early warning signals of ecological transitions.
Chapter 15 in: Theoretical ecology: Concepts and applications. Oxford University Press.

Doxa, A.Devictor, V. Baumel, A. Pavon, D. Médail, F. Leriche, A. (2020) Beyond taxonomic diversity: Revealing spatial mismatches in phylogenetic and functional diversity facets in Mediterranean tree communities in southern France.Forest Ecology and Management.In press[PDF]

Abbott KC,Dakos V (2020) Mapping the distinct origins of bimodality in a classic model with alternative stable states.Theoretical Ecology,doi:10.1007/s12080-020-00476-5

Gonzalez, A., R.M. Germain, D.S. Srivastava, E. Filotas, L.E. Dee, D. Gravel, M.I. O’Connor, P.L. Thompson, J. Cowles, F. Isbell, S. Wang,S. Kéfi, J. Montoya, Y. Zelnik, M Loreau.
Scaling-up biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research.
Ecology Letters. 23(4): 757-776.

Arnoldi, J.-F., S. Coq,S. Kéfi, S. Ibanez.
Positive plant-soil feedbacks trigger tannin evolution by niche construction: a spatial stoichiometric model
Journal of Ecology. 108(1): 378-391.

Lurgi, M., N. Galiana, B. Broitman,S. Kéfi, E. Wieters, S. Navarrete.
Geographical variation of multiplex ecological networks in marine intertidal communities.
Ecology. 101(11): e03165.

van den Elsen, E., L. Stringer, C. de Ita, R. Hessel,S. Kéfi,F.D. Schneider, S. Bautista,A. Garcia Mayor, M. Baudena, M. Rietkerk, A. Valdecantos, V. Ramon Vallejo, N. Geeson, J. Brandt, L. Fleskens, L. Hemerik, P. Panagos, S. Valente, J. Jacob Keizer, G. Schwilch, M. Jucker Riva, D. Sietz, M.A. Christoforou, D.G. Hadjimitsis, C. Papoutsa, G. Quaranta, R. Salvia, I. Tsanis, I.N. Daliakopoulos, H. Claringbould, P.C. De Ruiter.
Advances in understanding and managing catastrophic shifts in Mediterranean ecosystems.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

Simmons BI, Wauchope HS, Amano T, Dicks L V, Sutherland WJ,Dakos V(2020). Estimating the risk of species interaction loss in mutualistic communities.PLoS Biology, 18: 1–20.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000843

Lever JJ, van de Leemput IA, Weinans E, Quax R,Dakos V, van Nes EH, Bascompte J, Scheffer M (2020). Foreseeing the future of mutualistic communities beyond collapse.Ecology Letters, 23: 2–15.doi:10.1111/ele.13401

Sutherland, W.J., Alvarez‐Castañeda, S.T., Amano, T., Ambrosini, R., Atkinson, P., Baxter, J.M., Bond, A.L., Boon, P.J., Buchanan, K.L., Barlow, J., Bogliani, G., Bragg, O.M., Burgman, M., Cadotte, M.W., Calver, M., Cooke, S.J., Corlett, R.T.,Devictor, V. Ewen, J.G., Fisher, M., Freeman, G., Game, E. Godley, B.J., Gortázar, C., Hartley, I.R., Hawksworth, D.L., Hobson, K.A., Lu, M-L., Martín‐López, B., Ma, K., Machado, A., Maes, D., Mangiacotti, M., McCafferty, D.J., Melfi, V., Molur, S., Moore, A.J., Murphy, S.D., Norris, D., van Oudenhoven, A.P.E., Powers, J., Rees, E.I., Schwartz, M.W., Storch, I. & Wordley, C. (2020) Ensuring tests of conservation interventions build on existing literature.Conservation Biology34, 781-3.[PDF]

Dominguez-Garcia, V.,V. Dakos,S. Kéfi.
Unveiling dimensions of stability in complex ecological networks.
PNAS. 116(51): 25714-25720.
CNRS news [in French]

Kéfi, S.,V. Dominguez-Garcia, I. Donohue, C. Fontaine, E. Thébault,V. Dakos.
Advancing our understanding of ecological stability.
Ecology Letters.22(9): 1349-1356.

Dakos V, Matthews B, Hendry AP, Levine J, Loeuille N, Norberg J, Nosil P, Scheffer M, De Meester L (2019). Ecosystem tipping points in an evolving world.Nature Ecology & Evolution3(3), 355–362.doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0797-2

Mayor, A.G., S. Bautista, F. Rodriguez,S. Kéfi.
Connectivity-mediated ecohydrological feedbacks and regime shifts in drylands.
Ecosystems. 22(7):1497-1511.

Gaüzere, P.,G. Doulcier,V. Devictor,S. Kéfi.
A framework for estimating species-specific contributions to community indicators.
Ecological Indicators. 99: 74-82.

Berdugo, M., F.T. Maestre,S. Kéfi, N. Gross, Y. Le Bagousse-Pinguet, S. Soliveres.
Aridity preferences alter the relative importance of abiotic and biotic drivers on plant species abundance in global drylands.
Journal of Ecology. 107(1): 190-202.

Berdugo, M., S. Soliveres,S. Kéfi, F.T. Maestre.
The interplay between facilitation and habitat type drives spatial vegetation patterns in global drylands.
Ecography. 42(4): 755-767.bioRxiv.

Devictor, V. Meinard, Y. (2019) Empowering biodiversity knowledge.Conservation Biology.In press[PDF]

Kéfi, S.
Multiple Stable States and Catastrophic Shifts in Ecosystems.
In:Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology. Ed. David Gibson. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199830060-0219

Dakos V(2018) Ecological Transitions: Regime Shifts, Thresholds and Tipping Points.Oxford Bibliographies in Environmental Science. Ed. EIC Ellen Wohl. New York: Oxford University Press.  doi:10.1093/obo/9780199363445-0108

Devictor, V. (2019) Anthropocène, dis-moi, combien tu t’appelles?Terrestres26 mai 2019.[ARTICLE]

Miele, V., C. Guill, R. Ramos-Jiliberto,S. Kéfi.
Non-trophic interactions strengthen the diversity-functioning relationship in an ecological bioenergetic network model.
PLoS Computational Biology. 15(8): e1007269.bioRxiv.

Pakeman, R. J. Bates, A. Corlett, R. T. Cumming, G. S. Johns, D. Koh, L. P. Loyola, R. Maas, B. Pejchar, L. Primack, R. B. Regan, T. J. Roth, B. Godet, L. Descoteaux, D. &Devictor, V. (2019) Fifty years of biological conservation.Biological Conservation230, A1-A4.

Latty T,Dakos V(2019). The risk of threshold responses, tipping points, and cascading failures in pollination systems.Biodiversity and Conservation, 28: 3389–3406.doi:10.1007/s10531-019-01844-2

Rebolledo, R., S.A. Navarrete, S. Kéfi, S. Rojas, P.A. Marquet
An Open-System Approach to Complex Biological Networks
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 79(2): 619-640.

Hutchinson, M.C., B. Bramon Mora, S. Pilosof, A.K. Barner,S. Kéfi, E. Thébault, P. Jordano, D.B. Stouffer.
Seeing the forest for the trees: Putting multilayer networks to work for community ecology.
Functional Ecology.3(2): 206-2017.

Brose, U., P. Archambault, A.D. Barnes, L.-F. Bersier, T. Boy, J. Canning-Clode,et al.
Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems.
Nature in Ecology andEvolution.3: 919-927.

Carnicer J, Domingo-Marimon C, Ninyerola M, Camarero JJ, Bastos A, López-Parages J, Blanquer L,Rodríguez-Fonseca B, Lenton T M,Dakos V, Ribas M, Gutiérrez E, Peñuelas J, Pons X (2019). Regime shifts of Mediterranean forest carbon uptake and reduced resilience driven by multidecadal ocean surface temperatures.Global Change Biology 25, 2825–2840.doi:10.1111/gcb.14664

Cailleret M,Dakos Vet al (2019). Early-Warning Signals of Individual Tree Mortality Based on Annual Radial Growth.Frontiers Plant Science9, 1–

Martin, G.Devictor, V. Motard, E. Machon, N. & Porcher, E. (2019) Short-term climate-induced change in French plant communities.Biology Letters99, 74-82.

Primack, R. B. Regan, T. J.Devictor, V. Zipf, L. Godet, L. Loyola, R. Maas, B. Pakeman, R. J. Cumming, G. S. Bates, A. Pejchar, L. Koh, L. P. (2019) Are scientific editors reliable gatekeepers of the publication process?Biological Conservation238, 108232.

Henckel, L. Meynard, C.N.Devictor, V. Mouquet, N. & Bretagnolle, V. (2019) On the relative importance of space and environment in farmland bird community assembly.PLoS one14, e0213360.[PDF]

Kéfi, S., P. Couteron. 2018.Spatiotemporal patterns as early warnings of possible catastrophic shifts in stressed ecological systems. Ecological Indicators. 94(1): 491-493.

Génin, A., S. Majumder, S. Sankaran,A. Danet, V. Guttal,F.D. Schneider,S. Kéfi. 2018.Monitoring ecosystem degradation using spatial data and the R package spatialwarnings.Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 9(10): 2067-2075.

Génin, A., S. Majumder, S. Sankaran,F.D. Schneider, A. Danet, M. Berdugo, V. Guttal,S. Kéfi. 2018.Spatially heterogeneous stressors can alter the performance of indicators of regime shifts. Ecological Indicators. 94(1): 520-533.

Danet, A., F. Anthelme, N. Gross, S. Kéfi. 2018.Effects of indirect facilitation on functional diversity, dominance and niche differentiation in tropical alpine communities.Journal of vegetation science. 29(5): 835-846.

Zélé, F., S. Magalhães,S. Kéfi, A.B. Duncan. 2018.Ecology and evolution of facilitation among symbionts: causes and consequences.Nature communications. 9 (1): 4869.

Sankaran, S., S. Majumder,S.Kéfi, V. Guttal. 2018.Implications of being discrete and spatial for detecting early warning signals of regime shifts. Ecological Indicators. 94(1): 503-511.

Bathiany S.,Dakos V., Scheffer M., Lenton T. M. 2018.Climate models predict increasing temperature variability in poor countries. Science Advances. 4, eaar5809. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aar5809

Tribot A.-S.,Deter J., Mouquet N. 2018.Integrating the aesthetic value of landscapes and biological diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences 285: 20180971.

Tribot A.-S., Carabeux Q.,Deter J., Claverie J., Villéger S., Mouquet N. 2018.Confronting species aesthetics with ecological functions in coral reef fish. Scientific Reports 8: article number 11733.

Holon F.,Marre G., Parravicini V., Mouquet N., Bockel T., Descamp P., Tribot A-S, Boissery P.,Deter J.2018.A predictive model based on multiple coastal anthropogenic pressures explains the degradation status of a marine ecosystem: Implications for management and conservation. Biological Conservation 222 (125-135).

van de Leemput, I.A.,V. Dakos, M. Scheffer, E.H. van Nes. 2018.Slow Recovery from Local Disturbances as an Indicator for Loss of Ecosystem Resilience. Ecosystems, 21(1), 1–12.

Holon F.,J. Deter, A.-S. Tribot. 2018.Mieux connaitre la biodiversité européenne pour mieux la protéger : l’exemple des récifs coralligènes de Méditerranée. Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité, Janvier 2018.

Kadowaki⁠, K., S. Nishijima⁠,S. Kéfi⁠, K.O. Kameda⁠, T. Sasaki⁠. 2018.Merging community assembly into the regime-shift approach for informing ecological restoration. Ecological Indicators. 85: 991-998.

Maris, V., P. Huneman, A. Coreau,S. Kéfi, R. Pradel,V. Devictor. 2018.Prediction in ecology: promises, obstacles and clarifications. Oikos,127(2): 171-183.

CNRS news[in French]

Dakos, V., F. Soler-Toscano 2017.Measuring complexity to infer changes in the dynamics of ecological systems under stress. Ecological Complexity 32, 144–155. doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2016.08.005

Kéfi, S.,E. Thébault, A. Eklöf, M. Lurgi, A.J. Davis, M. Kondoh and J. A. Krumins. 2017. Toward multiplex ecological networks. Accounting for multiple interaction types to understand community structure and dynamics. In Adaptive food webs: stability and transitions of real and model ecosystems. Eds: John C. Moore, Peter C. de Ruiter, Kevin S. McCann and Volkmar Wolters. Cambridge University Press.

Danet, A.,S. Kéfi, R.I. Meneses, F. Anthelme. 2017.Nurse species and indirect facilitation through grazing drive plant community functional traits in tropical alpine peatlands. Ecology and Evolution. 7(24):11265-11276.

Mönkkönen, M.Devictor, V.Forsman, J.T. Lehikoinen, A., Elo, M. 2017.Linking species interactions with phylogenetic and functional distance in European bird assemblages at broad spatial scales. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 26, 952-962.

Gaüzère, P.Princé, K.,Devictor, V.2017.Where do they go? The effects of topography and habitat diversity on reducing climatic debt in birds. Global Change Biology. 23, 2218-2229.

Lenton TM,Dakos V, Bathiany S, Scheffer M. 2017. Observed trends in the magnitude and persistence of monthly temperature variability.Sci. Rep.1–10.doi:10.1038/s41598-017-06382-x

Belle S, Baudrot V, Lami A, Musazzi S,Dakos, V.2017.Rising variance and abrupt shifts of subfossil chironomids due to eutrophication in a deep sub-alpine lake.Aquat. Ecol.51, 1–13. doi:10.1007/s10452-017-9618-3

Dakos V, Glaser SM, Hsieh C-H, Sugihara G. 2017.Elevated nonlinearity as an indicator of shifts in the dynamics of populations under stress.J. R. Soc. Interface.14,

Deter J., Lozupone X., Inacio A., Delaruelle G., Holon F. 2017.Boat anchoring pressure on coastal seabed: quantification and bias estimation using AIS dat.Marine Pollution Bulletin 123(1-2) 175-181.

Pilosof, S., Porter M.A., Pascual M.,Kéfi S.2017.The multilayer nature of ecological networks. Nature in Ecology and Evolution. 1: 0101.

Berdugo, M.,Kéfi S., Soliveres S., Maestre F.T. 2017.Plant spatial patterns identify alternative ecosystem multifunctionality states in global drylands. Nature in Ecology and Evolution. 1: 0003.

AssociatedNews and viewsby J.B. Grace.

CNRS news [in French]

Donohue, I., O.L. Petchey,S. Kéfi,A. Génin, A.L. Jackson, Q. Yang, N.E. O’Connor. 2017.Loss of predator species, not intermediate consumers, triggers rapid and dramatic extinction cascades. Global Change Biology. 23(8): 2962-2972.

van Belzen, J., van de Koppel J., Kirwan M.L., van der Wal D., Herman P.M.J.,Dakos V.,Kéfi S., Scheffer M., Guntenspergen G.R., Bouma T.J. 2017.Vegetation recovery in tidal marshes reveals critical slowing down under increased inundation.Nature Communications 8:15811

van Belzen, J., van de Koppel J., van der Wal D., Herman P.M.J,Dakos V.,Kéfi S., Scheffer M., Bouma T.J. 2017. Timing recovery of ecosystems in sequential remotely sensed and simulated data. Protocol Exchange doi:10.1038/protex.2017.038

Massol, F., M. Dubart, V. Calcagno, K. Cazelles, C. Jacquet,S. Kéfi, D. Gravel. 2017.Island Biogeography of Food Webs. 2017. Advances in Ecological Research. 56: 183–262

Kéfi*, S., V. Miele*, E.A. Wieters, S.A. Navarrete, E.L. Berlow. 2016.How structured is the entangled bank? The surprisingly simple organization of multiplex ecological networks leads to increased persistence and resilience. PLOS Biology. DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.100252

*These authors contributed equally to the study

Kéfi, S., M. Holmgren, M. Scheffer. 2016.When can positive interactions cause alternative stable states in ecosystems?Functional Ecology. 30: 88-97.

Devictor, V. 2016. When conservation challenges biodiversity offsetting. Biological Conservation. 216, 483-484.

Devictor, V. Carrière, S., Guillet, F. 2016. Protection de la nature et valeurs. In : Regards Croisés sur les Valeurs de la Biodiversité et les Services Ecosystémiques. Edition Quae.

Schneider, F.D.,S. Kéfi. 2016.Spatially heterogeneous pressure raises risk of catastrophic shifts.Theoretical Ecology. 9(2): 207-217.Access the recommendation on F1000

Schneider, F. D., Brose, U., Rall, B. C., Guill, C. 2016.Animal diversity and ecosystem functioning in dynamic food webs, Nature Communications, 7:12718.

Gaüzère, P.,Jiguet, F.,Devictor, V. 2016. Can protected areas mitigate the impacts of climate change on bird’s species and communities? Diversity and Distribution. 22, 625-637.

Poisot, T., D.B. Stouffer,S.Kéfi. 2016.Describe, understand and predict: why do we need networks in ecology?Functional Ecology. 30: 1878-1882.

Reif, J.,Hořák D., Krištín A., Koposová L.,DevictorV.2016.Linking habitat specialization with species’ traits in European birds.Oikos. 125(3): 405-413.

Gounand, I.,S. Kéfi, N. Mouquet, D. Gravel. 2016.Trait selection during food web assembly: the roles of interactions and temperature.Theoretical Ecology. 9(4): 417-429.

Godet, L.Devictor, V. Burel, F. Robin, J-G. Ménanteau, L. & Fournier, J. 2016. Extreme Landscapes Decrease Taxonomic and Functional Bird Diversity but Promote the Presence of Rare Species. Acta Ornithologica. 51, 23-38.

Tayleur, C.M.Devictor, V.Gaüzère, P.Jonzén, N. Smith, H.G. & Lindström, Å. 2016. Regional variation in climate change winners and losers highlights the rapid loss of cold-dwelling species. Diversity and Distributions. 22, 468-480.

Maris, V.Devictor, V. Doussan, I., Béchet, A. 2016. Les valeurs en question. In : Regards Croisés sur les Valeurs de la Biodiversité et les Services Ecosystémiques. Edition Quae.

Maestre, F. T., D. J. Eldridge, S. Soliveres,S. Kéfi, M. Delgado-Baquerizo, M. A. Bowker, P. García-Palacios, J. Gaitán, A. Gallardo, R. Lázaro, M. Berdugo. 2016.Structure and Functioning of Dryland Ecosystems in a Changing World. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematic. 47: 215-237.

Pueyo, Y., D. Moret-Fernández, A. I. Arroyo, A. de Frutos,S. Kéfi, H. Saiz, R. Charte, M. L. Giner, and C. L. Alados. 2016.Plant nurse effects rely on combined hydrological and ecological components in a semiarid ecosystem. Ecosphere 7(10):e01514. 10.1002/ecs2.1514

Doxa A., Holon F.,Deter J., Villeger S., Boissery P., Mouquet N. 2016.Mapping biodiversity in three-dimensions challenges marine conservation strategies: the example of coralligenous assemblages in North-Western Mediterranean Sea. Ecological indicators. 61(2): 1042-1054.

Jeliazkov, A., Mimet A., Chargé R., Jiguet F.,Devictor V., Chiron F. 2016.Impacts of agricultural intensification on bird communities: New insights from a multi-level and multi-facet approach of biodiversity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 216: 9-22.

Costello, M.J. Beard, K.H. Corlett, R.T. Cumming, G.S.Devictor, V. Loyola, R. Maas, B. Miller-Rushing, A.J. Pakeman, R. & Primack, R.B. 2016. Field work ethics in biological research. Biological Conservation. 203, 268-271.

Brose, U., Blanchard, J. L., Eklöf, A., Galiana, N., Hartvig, M., R. Hirt, M., Kalinkat, G., Nordström, M. C., O’Gorman, E. J., Rall, B. C.,Schneider, F. D., Thébault, E. and Jacob, U. 2016.Predicting the consequences of species loss using size-structured biodiversity approaches, Biological Reviews. Early view.

Tribot A.S., Mouquet N., Villéger S., Raymond M., Hoff F., Boissery P., Holon F.,Deter J.2016.Taxonomic and functional diversity increase the aesthetic value of coralligenous reefs. Scientific Reports 6, 2016 Article number: 34229. doi:10.1038/srep34229

Doxa A., Holon F.,Deter J., Villeger S., Boissery P., Mouquet N. 2016.Mapping biodiversity in three-dimensions challenges marine conservation strategies: the example of coralligenous assemblages in North-Western Mediterranean Sea.Ecological indicators.61(2): 1042-1054.

Devictor, V.2015.Nature en Crise. Coll. Anthropocène. Seuil.

Kéfi, S., E.L. Berlow, E.A. Wieters, L.N. Joppa, S.A. Wood, U. Brose, S.A. Navarrete. 2015.Network structure beyond food webs: mapping non-trophic and trophic interactions on Chilean rocky shores.Ecology. 96(1):291–303.

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Xu, C., M. Holmgren, E.H. Van Nes, F.T. Maestre, S. Soliveres, M. Berdugo,S. Kéfi, P.A. Marquet, S. Abades, M. Scheffer. 2015.Can we infer plant facilitation from remote sensing? A test across global drylands.Can we infer plant facilitation from remote sensing? A test across global drylands.Ecological Applications. 25(6): 1456-1462.

Poisot, T., B. Baiser, J.A. Dunne,S. Kéfi, F. Massol, N. Mouquet, T.N. Romanuk, D.B. Stouffer, S.A. Wood, D. Gravel. 2015.mangal– making complex ecological network analysis simpler. Ecography. Early online.Website.

Mouquet, N., Y. Lagadeuc, V. Devictor, L. Doyen, A. Duputié, D. Eveillard, D. Faure, E. Garnier, O. Gimenez, P. Huneman, F. Jabot, P. Jarne, D. Joly, R. Julliard,S. Kéfi, G.J. Kergoat, S. Lavorel, L. Le Gall, L. Meslin, S. Morand, X. Morin, H. Morlon, G. Pinay, R. Pradel, F.M. Schurr, W. Thuilller, M. Loreau. 2015.Predictive ecology in a changing world. Journal of Applied Ecology. 52(5): 1293-1310.

C.M. Tayleur,V. DevictorP. Gaüzère, N. Jonzén, H.G. Smith, A. Lindström. 2015. Regional variation in climate change winners and losers highlights the rapid loss of cold-dwelling species. Diversity and Distribution | pdf

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Mazel, F. Guilhaumon, F. Mouquet, N.Devictor, V. Gravel, D. Renaud, J. Cianciaruso, M.V. Loyola, R. Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. Mouillot, D. & Thuiller, W. 2014.Multifaceted diversity–area relationships reveal global hotspots of mammalian species, trait and lineage diversity.Global Ecology and Biogeography. 23(8): 836-847.[PDF]

Kolecek, J. Schleuning, M. Burfield, I.J., Báldi, A. Böhning-Gaese, K.Devictor, V. Fernández-García, J.M. Horák, D. Van Turnhout, C.A.M. Hnatyna, O. Reif, J. (2014) Birds protected by national legislation show improved population trends in Eastern Europe.Biological Conservation172, 109-116.[PDF]

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Zupan, L. Cabeza, M. Maiorano, L. Roquet, C.Devictor, V. Lavergne, S. Mouillot, D. Mouquet, N. Renaud, J. & Thuiller, W. (2014)Spatial mismatch of phylogenetic diversity across three vertebrate groups and protected areas in Europe.Diversity and Distributions. 20(6): 674:685.[PDF]